We are seeking donations to cover production of 20 audio books to be released in 2009! Our budget is set at $8500.00

Our goal progress $20.00

Who Supports Us?

People like you! We are not funded by any government grant or tax dollars, neither do we fill your eyes with commercial advertisements.

The work we've done and aspire toward yet is not possible without the generous help of your financial support. We do need your help. Donate Today.

If you'd like to be credited as Associate Producer on a given title contact us at literalsystems@gmail.com.

Send a check to

LiteralSystems in c/o Warren Smith P.O. Box 702 Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504

Or... by Credit Card and Paypal Click to Donate

We are expanding our production capabilities. If you live in the Santa Fe area you can help by donating your old computer and monitor. Other items relative to recording and editing are welcome too.

Year 2008 Donations | Year 2009 Donations


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